Friday 30 October 2015

Closing the thigh gap... Between rider and horse

Closing the thigh gap... Between rider and horse

Far from deconstructing the unhealthy phenomena women have with the 'apparently' desirable thigh gap, I want to discuss a completely different gap, and I want to close it. And this gap, well, it's between the rider and horse, it's about being as ergonomically designed as possible to ensure the best seat is achieved.

Previously, I have blogged about the importance of strong glutes, now I'm moving on to the thighs, another absolutely integral element to rider perfection. Our thighs create the framework around the horse, and it is of the utmost importance that the correct underwear is worn to ensure chafing around the legs does not occur. Derriere Equestrian have done a huge wealth of research on precisely this problem to ensure that their amazing brand has the most streamlined fit; that it is there to support the rider one hundred per cent of the time. In essence, and excusing the horrendous pun, they are the pants that will not fall down at any hurdle.

The thighs are responsible for shaping the movement and controlling the energy of the ride. However, they are only able to perform this role effectively if they are in the correct position and strong. The natural stance for the hips when sitting on the saddle is an external rotation, a falling out to the side, which of course totally limits control. This is only exacerbated when the horse moves, so the importance of engaging the inner thighs just cannot be emphasised enough. If these inner thigh muscles are tight, it may prove near impossible to rotate the thighs in enough, this is because these adductors are a double edged sword, not only are they responsible for bringing the legs together, but also rotating the legs outwards.

Consequently, if the adductors are tight the job of external rotation is too efficient and the thighs may be locked in an outward position unable to rotate inwards. This of course impacts on the riders control of the horse, as strong thighs have the power to lift the horse's back, slow, half halt, send energy up or collect a trot or canter etc. Yet, before you stare down at those thighs in despair, don't give up, oh no, for I have the solution. Indeed, any tightness in the musculature can be corrected through considered stretching exercises and that is where a Pilates Reformer Instructor like yours truly comes in super handy! Together you and I can embark on a beautiful journey to eventually achieve the coveted position of a thigh that is rotated enough so that it lays flat to the horse with both the knee and toe pointing forward. And that, my dear readers, that is rider heaven, that is nirvana, that is the gift.
To find out more about what I can do for your thighs do get in contact either via the website or email directly

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding Rider fitness guidance as always Lottie, thank you
