Friday 20 December 2019

All change! Retailers - are your store changing rooms holding you back?

All change! Retailers - are your store changing rooms holding you back?

By Claire Galer of Derriere Equestrian

Nearly half of shoppers say they ‘hate’ fitting rooms, according to Body Labs, which analyses retail experiences.

Changing rooms are an important part of all retail outlets, but are often one of the most under-serviced parts of an equestrian ‘bricks and mortar’ outlet. According to Envision Retail, a London-based consultancy, customers who use a fitting room are 71 percent more likely to buy — and buy twice as much — than those simply browsing the sales floor.

Riding wear and undies for horse riders

Our business is riding-wear, breeches and of course underwear for horse riders; and all of these items need to be tried on in a changing room – as opposed to something like a coat, which can be slipped on by a mirror, on the shop floor.

Many non-horsey retailers spend a huge amount of time researching how best to service their changing rooms. They create elaborate strategies such as specific lighting in order to increase sales. Not all retailers have to make such dramatic changes, however. Simple methods such as making people feel more comfortable stripping off their trousers can help! (As of course underwear can only be tried on over one’s own briefs). If your changing rooms are in need of an update, boast a curtain that doesn’t preserve dignity, or are slightly dingy, people will be less likely to try items like breeches on. As previously mentioned, you need those buyers in your changing rooms!

The best retail experience possible

However, a few slight changes to your sales technique could help. Accompanying a potential buyer to the changing room or having a sales assistant outside can dramatically increase the chances of a sale; a customer who has to go back and forth to change clothes and get different sizes can quickly find themselves fed-up. A choice of breeches being bought to the customer will enhance their shopping experience, and will not inconvenience them.

Enthusiastic and approachable assistants

But remember, you need great service in order to get your customers into those dressing rooms in the first place! Having enthusiastic, approachable store assistants (who ideally LOOK like the ideal customer!) will help to ensure the best retail experience possible. It will elevate your brand and keep customers coming back. Derriere Equestrian is a prestige brand, so anyone stocking our range already knows about the marketplace for prestige brands; but small incremental gains in terms of the shop assistants’ service can really help to consolidate a shop’s appearance and ambience. Could staff members wear Derriere breeches as their uniform, perhaps?

The ideal changing room

Women in particular can be a little fussy when it comes to changing rooms. If they’re on their way to work for example, and have popped in for horse feed or essentials, they would probably prefer a clean place to try clothes on. Hooks and hangers would be a great addition to a changing room, as stripping off and putting their work clothes in a pile isn’t ideal. A bit of space always helps, as small changing rooms can quickly become annoying.

In summary, attention to detail and the visual appeal of changing rooms can only be a good thing - for the customer and also the store. Here are my top changing room tips for horsey retailers!

1. Every changing room needs the basics. A sense of privacy is essential; e.g. a functional curtain or door that closes. A chair or stool is required too!

2. Hanging hooks are a great idea, for handbags and clothes. Why not splash out on horse themed hooks?

3. Flooring is also something to think about. People are taking their shoes off; and although carpet feels nice, it isn’t the most hygienic. Cleanable, replaceable mats may work!

4. Could you add a second mirror? People like to see the back of their breeches too! And to check for VPL.

5. Why not include pictures of some of your store ranges in the changing room? Manufacturers like Derriere Equestrian can supply marketing images which show how an outfit may look, and will brighten up the room. This is also an ideal way to introduce a further product in the range, e.g. the Sportief Sports Bra.

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